Seasonal Forests: The Taiga forest, on the edge of the Arctic,is a silent world of stunted conifers. The trees may be small butfilming from the air reveals its true scale. A third of all trees onEarth grow here and during the short summer they produce enough oxygento change the atmosphere.
In California General Sherman, a giant sequoia, is the largest livingthing on the planet, ten times the size of a blue whale. The oldestorganisms alive are bristlecone pines. At more than 4,000 years oldthey pre-date the pyramids. But the baobab forests of Madagascar areperhaps the strangest of all.
i like this tv programme, and i have looking for this one for a long time. thank you put this one here for us, it gives lot of information about this earth. it tell people to love our plant, to protect it and save it, for us and our is such great. 作者: caichengxiang 时间: 2008-10-30 05:34