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Loving You(原版)-Minnie Riperton
有时候,老天爷的安排是很令人难以理解的,他让某些人拥有了罕见的才华,却不让他们有太多表现的机会,可能这就是自古红颜多薄命。1979年以三十一岁的年龄过世的蜜妮莱普顿(Minnie Riperton),有着足足五个八度音阶的宽广音域,堪称有史以来天赋最佳的女歌手之一,可惜在歌坛却只能昙花一现。
这首「Lovin'' You」发表于1974年,一经就获得了爆炸性的成功,于1975年一月首度进榜,十一个星期后,就在四月五日夺得了全美的冠军,也让全球歌迷注意到了这个惊人的美声。只可惜,才刚刚开始成名,她就在1976年就发觉自己罹患了乳癌,而她接着推出的两张专辑「Adventures in Paradise」和「Stay in Love」也都未能再创高峰。她拒绝向命运低头,切除病灶之后,成了美国防癌协会的代言人,当时的美国总统卡特还特别颁奖给她,表扬她对社会的贡献。
1978年,在录制专辑「Minnie」的时候,她的癌细胞已经扩散到淋巴腺,但是她不肯服输,在许多大牌好友,包括乔治班森(George Benson)、麦克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)、史提夫汪达与罗贝塔佛莱克(Roberta Flack)等人助阵伴奏与合音之下,完成了录制的工作。没有多久,她就在1979年的七月十二日病逝于洛杉矶,得年仅三十一岁。在她过世之后,唱片公司把她生前没有发表过的录音,加上了重新的编曲与和声,命名为「Love Lives Forever」推出,为世人留下了永恒的怀念。

Loving you
is easy 'cause you're beautifull,
and making love with you
is all I wanna do.
Loving you
is more then just a dream come true,
and everything that I do,
is out of loving you.
la la la la la, la la la la la....
No-one else can make me feel
the colors that you bring .
Stay with me while we grow old
and we will live each day in springtime.
'Cause loving you
has made my life so beautifull,
and everyday of my life
is filled with loving you.
Loving you,
I see your soul come shining through,
and everytime that we,
I'm more in love with you.
la la la la la,
la la la la la...
do do do do
a ~~~~~````
No-one else can make me feel
the colors that you bring,
Stay with me while we grow old
and we will live each day in springtime.
'Cause loving you
is easy 'cause you're beautifull,
and every day of my life
is filled with loving you.
Loving you,
I see your soul come shining through,
and everytime that we, oohh..
I'm more in love with you.
la la la la la,
la la la la la...
do ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
a ~~~~~~~~~~~~`````
loving you