
伤感民谣::Peter Paul And Mary《Gone the Rainbow 彩虹消失了》865 Kbps/APE


伤感民谣::Peter Paul And Mary《Gone the Rainbow 彩虹消失了》865 Kbps/APE


1.《Peter Paul And Mary-Gone the Rainbow 彩虹消失了》

Gone The Rainbow 彩虹消失了-----Peter 、Paul & Mary


Shule, shule, shule-a-roo,
Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo.
When I saw my Sally Babby Beal,
come bibble in the boo shy Lorey.
Here I sit on Buttermilk Hill;
who could blame me, cry my fill;
Every tear would turn a mill,
Johnny's gone for a soldier.
Shule, shule, shule-a-roo,
Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo.
When I saw my Sally Babby Beal,
come bibble in the boo shy Lorey.
I sold my flax, I sold my wheel,
to buy my love a sword of steel;
So it in battle he might wield,
Johnny's gone for a soldier.
Shule, shule, shule-a-roo,
Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo.
When I saw my Sally Babby Beal,
come bibble in the boo shy Lorey.
Oh my baby, oh, my love,
gone the rainbow, gone the dove.
Your father was my only love;
Johnny's gone for a soldier.
Shule, shule, shule-a-roo,
Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo.
When I saw my Sally Babby Beal,
come bibble in the boo shy Lorey.


Peter 、Paul & Mary:六○年代风靡全球的清新民谣三重唱组合。

1961年成立于纽约的民谣三重唱彼得、保罗与玛丽由Peter Yarrow、Paul Stookey、Mary Travers所组成,在六○年代拥有多首畅销曲;吉他伴奏清新的曲风加上优美的和声使他们在台湾也有极高知名度。六○年代初期除新兴不久的摇滚乐之外流行歌坛吹起一股民谣复兴运动风,试图重振Pete Seeger、The Weavers、Kingston Trio民谣黄金时期,尤其此时英国的披头旋风尚未刮到大西洋西岸,在猫王的摇滚乐与披头四夹缝中,民谣的确又流行一段时间,琼.拜耶、鲍布.狄伦和彼得、保罗与玛丽都在这波浪潮中占有重要地位,当然六○年代中期狄伦将民谣插电后又把民谣带出另一番景象。

从台湾以前的老式情歌选辑中就常可看到彼得、保罗与玛丽的许多歌曲 "柠檬树" 、 "波夫巨龙" 、 "离家500哩" 都是其中大家最耳熟能详的歌曲。最新出版的“The Very Best Of Peter, Paul & Mary”精选辑共有25曲,除上述歌曲外 "If I Had A Hammer"、 "Where Have All The Flowers Gone" 、 "This Land Is Your Land" 、 "Early Mornin' Rain" 、 "I Dig Rock And Roll Music" 都是彼得、保罗与玛丽三重唱不可或缺的名作。除了Pete Seeger的歌外他们也唱了两首鲍布.狄伦的作品 "Blowin' In The Wind" 、 "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" ;而在他们所有单曲中仅有一首冠军曲,那就是约翰?丹佛所写的 "Leaving On A Jet Plane" ,这支单曲在1969年12月20日得到冠军后彼得、保罗与玛丽三重唱就无单曲再进榜,并且在1971年解散。解散后的三位团员各自发展不过成就都比不上三重唱时代,这张精选中还收录每人一首单飞之后的作品。

1962年包含 "离家500哩" 、 "柠檬树" 、 "If I Had A Hammer" 、 "Where Have All The Flowers Gone" 的彼得、保罗与玛丽首张同名专辑曾被评选为发烧片,纯净的歌声与和声的层次感加上简单的木吉他伴奏曾让发烧友们趋之若鹜,多年之后从“The Very Best Of Peter, Paul & Mary”可以再度回味那时代单纯却净化心灵的民谣。


歌手:The Innocence Mission
Innocence Mission 是 Karen Peris 与 Don Peris 这对相认于天主教高中唱诗班的夫妻档,加上贝斯手Mike Bitts。Innocence Mission 的音乐清澈有如森林深处从未被人发现过的一流灵泉。聆听The Innocence Mission 你会被感动!玻璃般玲珑剔透的钢琴、弦乐与吉他悠然响起,女主唱清澈灵透的嗓音,彷如梦境中传来的天籁。

如果天使会唱歌,那她的声音一定和The innocence mission主唱karen那悦耳的声音一样.美国的独立流行乐队The innocence mission能让我们体会到音乐带来的那种心灵的享受.没有华丽的技术,也没有什么开创性之类的称号.你需要的只是静静的聆听.......

《500 Miles》
Artist:Innocence mission <纯真乐团>

If you miss the train I'm on
You will know that I am gone
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles
A hundred miles, a hundred miles
A hundred miles, a hundred miles
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles
Lord I'm one, lord I'm two
lord I'm three, lord I'm four
Lord I'm five hundred miles
Run my door
Five hundred miles, five hundred miles
Five hundred miles, five hundred miles
Lord I'm five hundred miles
Run my door
Not a shirt on my back
Not a penny to my name
Lord I can't go back home
This away
This away, this away

Review:在真正记得Karen Peris这个名字好几年前,我偶然听过一首When They Ring The Golden Bells,只知道是Natalie Merchant的歌,只觉得里面跟她对唱的那个女声非常可爱,却再没了下文。头一次听到The Innocence Mission的歌,竟成了前年的事,很多原因让我没听完他们的歌,印象就过眼云烟一样的那么散掉了。直到迷上The Innocence Mission,则是前几个月的事,谜一样的,绞尽脑汁去想这声音究竟在哪听过,却总是没有答案,似乎是忘却了这把过去遗留下的好声音太彻底而遭受了惩罚一般。


之后就习惯了熬夜时听The Innocence Mission的歌,一次次被Karen Peris迷人的嗓音打动,充满爱和救赎的声音,总能带离我去个没有阴暗角落的地方。或许因为Karen和丈夫Don相识于天主教唱诗班,信仰的洗礼总是穿越于他们的音乐之间,也让其实早已不年轻的Karen的声音永远弥漫着孩子般的单纯渴望和超脱的沁凉,明亮的基调,轻烟一样缭绕却易散的愁绪的歌词,以最平实,朴素的方式令得人内心生出关于最初情感干净,美好的想象。

而The Innocence Mission最吸引人的地方莫过于以通俗却真诚的味道让不少深邃的东西黯然失色,没有人会介意他流行歌般上口的曲调,也不会说他普通浅薄:当灵魂长期浸泡于有些险恶,黑暗和冷漠的现实和一些高不可攀的艺术品中,人需要的是这一抹淡绿散发的自然清香,在夜深人静的时候透彻的思考自我,独自享受洗尽铅华后的超然,与音符交谈,甚或一起旋转,舞动。

3.Where have all the flowers 花落何处-Kingston Trio

《Where have all the flowers gone?(花落何处?)》

演唱:Kingston Trio


Where have all the flowers gone? 这麼久了,
Long time passing. 所有的花儿都到哪儿去了?
Where have all the flowers gone? 从前的那些花儿都到哪儿去了?
Long time ago.
Where have all the flowers gone? 所有的花儿都到哪儿去了?
Young girls picked them every one. 年轻的女孩们把它们都摘走了
Oh! When will they ever learn? 噢!他们何时才会了解?
Oh! When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young girls gone? 这麼久了,
Long time passing. 所有的少女都到哪儿去了?
Where have all the young girls gone? 从前的那些少女都到哪儿去了?
Long time ago.
Where have all the young girls gone? 所有的少女都到哪儿去了?
Gone to husbands everyone. 一个个都嫁人了
Oh! When will they ever learn? 噢!他们何时才会了解?
Oh! When will they ever learn?

Where have all the husbands gone? 这麼久了,
Long time passing. 所有的丈夫都到哪儿去了?
Where have all the husbands gone? 从前的那些丈夫都到哪儿去了?
Long time ago.
Where have all the husbands gone? 所有的丈夫都到哪儿去了?
Gone to soldiers everyone. 一个个都从军去了
Oh! When will they ever learn? 噢!他们何时才会了解?
Oh! When will they ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone? 这麼久了,
Long time passing. 所有的军人都到哪儿去了?
Where have all the soldiers gone? 从前的那些军人都到哪儿去了?
Long time ago.
Where have all the soldiers gone? 所有的军人都到哪儿去了?
Gone to grave-yards every one. 一个个都进坟墓了
Oh! When will they ever learn? 噢!他们何时才会了解?
Oh! When will they ever learn?

Where have all the graveyards gone? 这麼久了,
Long time passing. 所有的墓地都到哪儿去了?
Where have all the graveyards gone? 从前的那些墓地都到哪儿去了?
Long time ago.
Where have all the graveyards gone? 所有的墓地都到哪儿去了?
Gone to flowers every one. 一个个都被花儿盖住了
Oh! When will they ever learn? 噢!他们何时才会了解?
Oh! When will they ever learn?
Where have all the flowers gone? 所有的花儿都到哪儿去了?


The Kingston Trio,可以和Peter Paul and Mary齐名的民谣组合,60年代民谣复兴运动的重要领导人,1957年成立于加利福利亚,三位刚刚毕业的大学生Bob Shane, Nick Reynolds, 和Dave Guard,受到了The Weavers的很大影响,使他们组建了这支民谣组合.


[ 本帖最后由 比利王 于 2008-10-3 20:19 编辑 ]
  • 金币 +26 多向楼下的学习下..不错. 2008-10-3 21:38






《500 Miles》
Artist:Innocence mission <纯真乐团>

If you miss the train I'm on
You will know that I am gone
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles
A hundred miles, a hundred miles
A hundred miles, a hundred miles
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles
Lord I'm one, lord I'm two
lord I'm three, lord I'm four
Lord I'm five hundred miles
Run my door
Five hundred miles, five hundred miles
Five hundred miles, five hundred miles
Lord I'm five hundred miles
Run my door
Not a shirt on my back
Not a penny to my name
Lord I can't go back home
This away
This away, this away
  • 金币 +5 兄弟好细心啊. 2008-10-3 21:39


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